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Masanori Narikawa aka.Nari  [Guitar]
(1958- Yokohama)

Started a Guitarist career led by rich sensitivity from childhood. He played a professional debut in the music scene at the age of 20, active in live support, recording, CM music production and artist production.

In 2010, He formed "L-Duo" with Shoji Haruna(Sax, Flute). Five albums are announced already, live activities in progress throughout the country.
In 2014 he released his first solo album "hikari no hane" and energetically developed performances nationwide. In recent years "delicate spatial music" played on Gut guitar has been evaluated, and its own soundscape is synonymous with confidence.

Films that provided songs such as "Odayakaya(Kazuhito Takazawa)" which conveys self-sufficiency new way of life, Nagano prefecture "Obushibito" depicting the city of Obuse received a number of awards all over the world.

In 2018, MV of the song "Prologue" used at "Odayakaya" won the Music Video division at the International Peace & Film Festival.    >go to WORKS

成川 正憲
Masanori Narikawa
1958年 横浜に生まれる。


2014年に初のソロアルバム『hikari no hane』を発表し、全国での演奏活動を精力的に展開。 近年はガットギターで奏でる“繊細な空間音楽”が評価され、その独自のサウンドスケープは自身の代名詞となっている。


2018年、 『おだやか家』で使われた楽曲「Prologue」のMVがInternational Peace&Film FestivalにてMusic Video部門で優勝。

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